Our guidelines
We are a nonprofit newsroom seeking to reach as many readers as possible. So we publish under a Creative Commons Attribution/No-derivatives license (CC BY-ND 4.0). This means you can republish our articles for free, if you follow these guidelines:
You can’t edit our material, except to reflect changes in time or editorial style. (For example, “last week” can be changed to “last month,” and “labor” to “labour.”)
You must credit us and the author at the top of the story. We prefer “Author Name, Eurasianet.” If this is not possible, please include a line at the top of the story that reads: “This story was originally published by Eurasianet” and include the author’s name.
If you’re republishing online, you must link to our original story and include all links in the original.
You cannot republish our photographs or other multimedia content (audio and video).
You can’t sell our material, but it’s okay to repost our stories on pages with ads.
You can translate our material into other languages, as long as you follow these rules.
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