Perspectives: “We have common traumas, but no common memory” Decolonization activism is on the rise in what Russia considers its traditional backyard Barbara von Ow-Freytag Aug 16, 2023
Perspectives | Eurasia’s citizen-led response to the coronavirus crisis Despite years of state pressure, civic groups are providing services for those in need and showing the effectiveness of social engagement, solidarity and selflessness. Barbara von Ow-Freytag Apr 14, 2020
Perspectives | Civic tech activism vs. digital authoritarianism The sledgehammer approach to suppressing civic activism is not working for the internet. Barbara von Ow-Freytag Jul 16, 2019
Perspectives | Russia’s grassroots environmentalists form civil society’s vanguard Ecological activism bridges cross sections of society that otherwise rarely interact. Barbara von Ow-Freytag Jun 13, 2018