Kazakhstan sleepwalks toward choice-free parliamentary election But there is no papering over the festering disillusionment. Almaz Kumenov Dec 2, 2020
Perspectives | Why Kazakhstan’s leaders fear regional unrest Rigged elections have created political crises in two other post-Soviet countries this year, leaving Nur-Sultan edgy ahead of a parliamentary vote. Aruzhan Meirkhanova Oct 27, 2020
Kazakhstan: Parliamentary elections scheduled for January 10 The president says the vote will marking a turning point. Skeptics yawn. Almaz Kumenov Oct 21, 2020
Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict poses threat to regional energy corridor While it would be wrong to start pointing fingers and formulating conspiracy theories, clearly the risks are many and real. David O'Byrne Oct 9, 2020
Central Asia: Belt and Road takes back seat in Chinese envoy’s tour Beijing is eager to show solidarity as the coronavirus pandemic rumbles on. Chris Rickleton Sep 16, 2020
Kazakhstan’s war on coronavirus fake news underwhelms Confusion and contradiction are at the heart of the government’s counter-disinformation strategy. Almaz Kumenov Aug 28, 2020
Abkhazia calls for volunteers to help with COVID outbreak Many in the territory blame the rising numbers of coronavirus cases on the authorities’ decision to open up to Russian tourists. Joshua Kucera Aug 19, 2020
Kazakhstan squeezes China critics as Xinjiang anxieties spread Kazakh activists are outraged at how their government kowtows to Beijing. Chris Rickleton Aug 10, 2020
Kazakhstan to merge pneumonia and coronavirus cases, but only from Aug. 1 234,000 pneumonia cases from earlier this year will not be included in the tally. Almaz Kumenov Jul 23, 2020
Kazakhstan: Nur-Sultan revelry sparks ire as coronavirus crisis escalates City authorities said they hoped the feast would cheer up frontline medical workers. Almaz Kumenov Jul 7, 2020
Abkhazia leader meets Putin hoping for Russian bailout As coronavirus cripples the territory’s tourism season and Russia has stopped sending aid, Abkhazia faces a 10 percent GDP decline this year. Joshua Kucera Jun 25, 2020
The modern-day struggle sessions of Central Asia The apology or recantation is uploaded to social media. Often, there is a pretense of the repentance being voluntary. But that is not always the case. Jun 25, 2020
Moscow’s delayed Victory Day in photos Most foreign leaders stayed away, but Putin’s Central Asian crew is a dependable lot. Jun 24, 2020
Kazakhstan: Activist punished for being rude about ruling party Prosecutors said Ilyashev threatened public order by insulting Nur Otan. Almaz Kumenov Jun 22, 2020
Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev diagnosed with coronavirus His spokesman said the former president is still working remotely. Jun 18, 2020