Perspectives | How ADB’s pandemic aid to Uzbekistan was misused, whistleblower silenced The Uzbek blogger who first raised these concerns was smeared, beaten, and now faces trial. Nina Lesikhina Dec 6, 2021
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan experiment with vaccines amid lack of public confidence Central Asia’s largest nations are using unique coronavirus vaccines that haven’t been carefully studied. Do they have a choice? Aug 16, 2021
Armenia changes vaccination policy as Iranian vaccine tourists flock Iranians have been flooding into Armenia to get COVID vaccines, causing Tehran to complain and Yerevan to tighten the rules. Karine Ghazaryan Jul 12, 2021
Uzbeks weigh vaccines: Russian vs. Chinese Vaccine hesitancy in Uzbekistan is high, bred by social media conspiracies that seem credible in a country without accountable authorities. Ezoza Yakvalkhodjieva Jun 2, 2021
Kazakhstan: A diary from a vaccination Our Kazakhstan correspondent describes the waiting, the bureaucracy, and the anticlimax of getting his Sputnik V jab in Almaty. Almaz Kumenov Apr 22, 2021
Turkmenistan: Master Berdymukhamedov goes to Moscow Although Turkmenistan is rarely mentioned as a prospective member of the Moscow-led EAEU trading bloc, that notion is quite obviously on the Kremlin’s mind. Our weekly briefing. Akhal-Teke: A Turkmenistan Bulletin Apr 6, 2021
As a possible new COVID-19 wave looms, Central Asia is napping The region appears wholly unprepared for the latest rise in cases. Mar 17, 2021
Uzbekistan embarks on mass vaccination, but where will doses come from? Hopes are being pinned on the Sino-Uzbek vaccine ZF-UZ-VAC 2001. Mar 3, 2021
Russia using crisis in Tajikistan to advance EAEU agenda? Dushanbe is desperate to resume flights to Russian cities. Feb 12, 2021
Central Asia vaccination plans underwhelm, but governments look unruffled Uzbekistan, Tajikistan are taking triumphalist stances on coronavirus. Jan 14, 2021